Friday, October 24, 2014

Are you a good manager?

Are you a good manager?

Wow.  Now there’s a question to ponder.  I have managed, and been managed, and here are a few thoughts I have on the topic … 

I work in an amazing office.  We have a great culture.  I think most of us would say that we’re a big family … Sometimes family members get their feathers ruffled when a marriage or adoption occurs that brings a new personality into the fold.  If that new personality happens to have a higher position in the pecking order – that can bring uncertainty, and even jealousy, into an otherwise harmonious environment.  Good managers, whether already in the family or the one that just joined, are aware of this and exhibit sensitivity during the transition.  Failing to do this can be the death of a department (or company).  Yes – it really is that serious.  

Lots of people are good at their jobs, but not everyone is a good manager.  Being a good manager means truly caring about the people that work for you; taking an interest in them – professionally and personally.  When was the last time you walked around and “checked in” with your team?  When was the last time you had a “one on one” lunch?  Checking in with folks and taking the time to break bread are two ways to deepen the relationship between you.  When your team feels cared for and valued – they’ll work ten times harder toward your mutual goals.  Another, less time consuming, way to acknowledge your team is with a hand-written personal note.  You’d be amazed how far this goes and it takes less than 3 minutes.  

In my own dealings with everyone from my manager to the contracted janitor to the CEO – I do my best to ensure that everyone knows that I appreciate, and value, them.  I openly acknowledge that my success is not my own – but that of all those who help me every day.  As a result – I find people willing to go above and beyond to help me; and I do the same for them.  

So are you a good manager?  Do people want to work for you?  Does your team know you care?  As you think about these questions remember this, "people don’t quit companies, they quit managers".  

To your success …
Bob Rosenbaum